
Terrorcrest Bakugan Battle Gear

Part of the third wave of the Gundalian Invaders Bakugan to be released this July - August 2010 is the Terrorcrest Bakugan Battle Gear.

Terrorcrest is a Bakugan Battle Gear. It is a strong armor meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as laser beams or rockets, or by deflecting a blow to the side of the shield-user. The shield’s claws grow longer and sharper and can attack any opponent with a powerful slashing motion. The nails hold deadly poison.

Other Bakugan Battle Gears:
Battle Crusher, Barias Bakugan Battle Gear, Lansor Bakugan Battle Gear


  1. hi
    hi do you have battle gears if u have can u gave me some codes or send me on my email

  2. @warissahah: you may want to ask that to the members of the bakuganbuzz forum. Join here,
